Mindful Holiday Eating

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Ever felt like the blueberry girl from Willy Wonka after a holiday meal? Yeah, me too. But it doesn't have to be that way. This episode is all about finding the sweet spot between enjoying your holiday feasts and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I share my personal experience and practical strategies to keep you feeling good and guilt-free, including incorporating physical activity, drinking enough water, and scheduling your meals strategically.

I also offer tips on how to plan your plate with a balanced representation of vegetables, fruits, protein, and yes, even your favorite treats. But the holiday enjoyment doesn't stop at the dinner table. I'll give you tips on how to enjoy the entire holiday season in a healthier way.The holiday season isn't just about the food; it's about enjoying every moment without compromising on the joys of the season!

Get my Speedy & Simple Cookbook here for 15 minute recipes

Grab your Grab and Go Meal Guide for quick meal ideas and specific healthy fast food options for when life gets busy

Check out the healthy restaurant weight loss cheat sheets for all my best tips and tricks for losing weight while eating out!


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