Diet Red Flags to Avoid in 2024

New year, new you, new goals! And weight loss, nutrition and fitness are at the top of many people's lists!

There are SO many bad programs out there, here's a few things to look out for when selecting one for yourself this year!

This doesn't mean that these diet or weight loss programs are bad necessarily, but it does mean that you should look closer and examine them.

1. "Cleanse" or "Detox"

2. Toxins/Chemicals

3. Buying their proprietary food, shakes, supplements, pills etc.

4. Labeling foods as "bad"

5. Eliminating whole food groups

6. Need to follow a meal plan

7. Too good to be true

8. Promise of rapid weight loss

Cheers to 2024! To learn more about The Nourished Path's sustainable, wholistic personalized nutrition coaching, ⁠go here

Get my Speedy & Simple Cookbook here for 15 minute recipes

Grab your Grab and Go Meal Guide for quick meal ideas and specific healthy fast food options for when life gets busy

Check out the healthy restaurant weight loss cheat sheets for all my best tips and tricks for losing weight while eating out!


Lose Fat not Muscle with Trisha Caton, RD and Sean Roberts, DC


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