10 Minute Dinners for Busy Weeknights

10 minute quick dinners for busy weeknights

My husband and I are both small business owners. That can involve a long day - and while we love to cook and love good foods, that just isn’t always feasible.

But as a nutrition coach - I know how important it is to have a balanced diet! So I’ve started to assemble some dinners that I can get onto the table in 10 minutes or less. These are great ones to have in your back pocket for busy times of year, after coming back from a vacation, or even the day to day! It’s WAY healthier and also cheaper than takeout!

5 minute easy cheesy chicken and broccoli

5 Minute Cheesy Chicken & Broccoli

It doesn’t get easier or quicker than this! Grab 1-2 bags of this pre-made pasta with veggies already included, and add some chicken for protein. Rotisserie is faster but any chicken would be tasty!

Fast italian zoodles and meatballs

Zoodles & Meatballs

Keep it veggie forward with this recipe - use any kind of meatballs you like (ground meat will work in a pinch too!) and add it to your zucchini noodles (zoodles) for your vegetable, and your favorite pasta sauce!

Pro tip here: add italian seasoning to your zoodles to increase the flavor

Simple and healthy Asian Chicken and Rice

Asian Chicken & Rice

To make this lightning fast, use pre-cooked chicken and microwave rice!

If you want to take it up a notch, you can make fresh rice. My favorite is red rice, the flavor is a bit nutty and savory!

Use any veggie you want with this. Did you know that frozen is just as nutritious as fresh?

If you liked these ideas - go check out my 10 minute breakfasts blogpost and follow me on instagram for more recipes


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