Fun Without Booze feat Gabriela Flax

When I first met Gabriela, an inspiring alcohol-free success and accountability coach, I knew we were destined for a rich conversation. Our engaging dialogue delves into her past experiences and the pivotal moments that urged her to reassess her relationship with alcohol. Gabriela's candid recount of the physical and mental benefits she's reaped since her decision to quit drinking lends testimony to the transformative power of lifestyle changes.

We also discuss the unexpected impact of alcohol on our bodies and minds. Who knew that a pause from drinking could lead to improved energy levels and cognitive health? Gabriela offers practical tips on redefining the concept of 'fun' without the need for alcohol. The 'play the tape forward' exercise we share is a simple yet powerful tool to help make mindful decisions about drinking.

As we wrap up our enlightening chat, Gabriela explains her coaching program's role in helping others embark on a similar journey. Her upcoming group program is designed to provide a robust support system for individuals aiming to reduce or stop drinking. So, if you're curious about the alcohol-free lifestyle or perhaps need a little nudge in that direction, this episode is definitely worth your time. Let's redefine fun, shall we?


  1. Benefits of Reducing Alcohol Intake

  2. Alcohol's Impact on Energy and Finding Fun Without Drinking

  3. Preserving Cognitive Health and Alcohol-Free Living

How to find Gabriela:




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