What's Actually Important for Fat Loss? Introducing the Nutrition Pyramid

(not the one you are thinking of)

Today's podcast episode is all about cutting through the noise and getting down to the nitty-gritty of what really matters when it comes to your nutrition game. There's a lot of overwhelming information out there, so we're going to dial it back into the most important stuff. We're diving into the key insights from the nutrition pyramid, a concept crafted by the renowned Eric Helms.

Picture this: a pyramid with the most crucial factors at the bottom, supporting the less significant ones at the top. At the base of our pyramid is energy balance—calories in versus calories out. Yep, that's the golden rule. No matter how many vitamins and minerals you're packing in, if you're overdoing it on the calorie front, you won't see the results you're after.

Next up, we've got macronutrients—carbs, protein, and fat. These bad boys make up your calories, so they're pretty darn important. But hey, don't start playing math games with your protein shake. Your body's got this covered.

Then there's micronutrients, the vitamins and minerals that keep your body ticking like a well-oiled machine.

Now, let's talk timing. Meal timing and frequency are like the cherries on top of your nutritional sundae. Sure, they can make a difference, but only if you've nailed the basics first.

And finally, we've got supplements. While they can be a nice little boost, they're not miracle workers.

So there you have it! Focus on the fundamentals, and you'll be well on your way to crushing your nutrition goals.


⁠Pyramid visual⁠

⁠Calorie Calculator⁠

⁠Intermittent fasting episode⁠

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