Amanda Lamer Rosen


I have lived in Los Angeles since 2002, but was born in Kansas. I am married with a 6 year old daughter, and work full time as a Neurointensive Care Unit pharmacist.

I LOVE Peloton and have been an OG since 2014. I have also done Orange Theory and recently got a TONAL.

Before, I was eating ‘healthy’ for the most part, but not in enough moderation. We also ate out more for dinner than we do now.

I knew I didn’t want to give up wine completely. I really enjoy wine (Go Pelowinos!), and drank 2-3 glasses per week during most of my program. However, those last 5 pounds I really had to limit it to once per week to see results. Now in maintenance I try to keep to no more than 3. 

I love that my coach Bonnie never judged me! She made me realize that I was the only one responsible for my own actions…not the social situations, it was me—failure or success it is a CHOICE, your choice. Once you figure that out and own up to it… it is a game changer! 

I feel strong, confident and fit in the size pants I want to!


Before, I was doing Peloton as much as 6 times a week prior and NOT seeing results. Now that I have lost weight I can actually ‘see’ the progress I have built over the years—even an ab or 2-- I never thought that was possible! 

Now I know that if I take a day off it helps me to be stronger, and actually workout less now and allow for recovery. Working out is really more for toning and definition for me.

I also find that my eating is SUSTAINABLE now! I have the flexibility for dinner with my family while achieving my goals. 


Jeane Beane